We have a glass top stove and I have done my best to keep it looking
like new. When we purchased the stove it came with this little sample bottle of
cleaner. And at the time….it was $6 to get another bottle of it. Then I was
introduced to Soft Scrub at half the cost. It has been my stove’s best friend
Everyone has their choice of cleaner for glass/cook top stoves and here
is my reason I use Soft Scrub: I clean my kitchen sink at the same time as my
stove. With Soft Scrub, you have to rinse your sponge a couple times to get the
cleaner and the grime off the stove. So, I figure while I have the sponge full
of the cleaner, might as well scrub the sink I am rinsing it in too!
And now I not only have a clean stove, but a clean sink too. No need to
drag out separate chemicals or make it two separate tasks. Two things clean;
one check mark!
I also apply the same logic to the microwave and our coffee maker. I use
the same cleaners for both: vinegar and dish soap. Now, I don’t put dish soap
through the coffee maker, but I do use the soap to clean the carafe and the
filter basket. After I pour my mixture of vinegar and water through the maker,
I take the hot vinegar-water over to the microwave and let it steam clean the
debris inside. Once the vinegar-water has cooled enough for me to handle, I
bring out the carafe and add a bit of dish soap and finish scrubbing out the
microwave. Then I wash the carafe and basket with the remaining soapy-vinegar
water. The microwave plate gets a good scrubbing with it too. Then I run plain
water back through the coffee maker and once that cools a bit, I give the
microwave a rinse with the new water. There may be some vinegar traces in the
water, but I am ok with using it to wipe off the soapy solution from the walls
of the microwave.
Well, there you have it….two of my favorite kitchen cleaning
multi-tasks, or “short-cuts.” Check out my previous cleaning posts for more
tips and short-cuts.
Do you have a favorite cleaning short-cut?
Happy Cleaning Y’all!
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