Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tick Tock Redo!

The crafting muses are hitting me left and right! While still going about with my challenge to give the house a new look without breaking the bank, I have been looking at every decoration in the house with a new purpose. I look at something and ask my favorite question: “I wonder if I could paint this or fix it up to match the new décor?” Well, today the mantel clock was the focus of my crafting energy.
This little clock sits atop our entertainment center since we don’t have a mantel (or fire place for that matter.) We purchased it from Target many years ago. And while I never thought it to be boring or out of place with the previous décor, I have a whole new love for the clock now as it brightens up our little farmhouse living room with its new look.

It was super easy to do: sand it down a little to get the factory sheen off, throw on a few coats of paint, sand it again and then glue a fancy cabinet door handle on the top.
I had the handle already. Funnily enough, this handle was on the doors at the bottom of the entertainment center before we changed them out with some decorative ones we liked better that we found at a thrift store.  

Wasn’t that easy! And I kept in my cost parameters: $0.00!


Well, I am back to my kiddo and scoping out the house for more fun projects.

Happy crafting y’all!
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